- Use of 6 electrodes allows replicates in experiments
- Almost any oxygen tension or concentration units can be selected
- All setup procedures, including calibration, carried out on-screen
- Chart recorder-type display
- Facility to insert markers during recording if required
- Analysis is rapid and accurate, calculating normalised respiration rates if required
- Applications in closed chamber respirometry, flow respirometry, dissolved oxygen monitoring
The SI929 is a complete system for replicate measurements of dissolved oxygen, together with data recording and analysis by computer. Use of this system will result in considerable time saving in both respiration experiments and in dissolved oxygen monitoring situations. The system comprises a microprocessor-based interface which accepts up to six 1302 microcathode oxygen electrodes, and dedicated software which runs in Windows on a PC.
SI929 Interface
The interface provides the polarising voltage to the electrodes, amplifies the low-level signals, makes the A/D conversion, and feeds the resulting data stream to the computer via a USB connection. There are no front panel controls since all operations are controlled by the computer. An illuminated front panel display gives information on the activity of the interface and displays readings from the electrodes when they are in use. Oxygen levels can still be monitored after the computer has been shut down.
SI929 Software
- Closed cell respirometry
- Flow respirometry
- Dissolved oxygen monitoring
The program has been written so that it is extremely user-friendly, and quick to learn.
The programme follows a sequence of 3 main stages: Setting up; Recording; and Analysis. During setting up, full details of the experiment are entered, recording speed selected and the electrodes calibrated. When the experiment is started, the traces of the oxygen concentration are scrolled across the screen. Annotated event markers can be used to record any experimental manipulations during the recording. At the end of the experiment, the data may be saved or analysed straight away. In Analysis, any part of the recorded traces may be recalled to the screen and expanded or contracted as required. Respiration rates, normalised to biomass units if required, are calculated automatically. Results are presented in tabular form, and may be exported to a spreadsheet, word processor or statistics package.
The program will run on any Windows PC. If a colour printer is connected, a printed record can be produced.
A comprehensive Instruction Manual is supplied, which will be particularly valuable to anyone who is not familiar with respirometry work.
A free demonstration disk is available, containing all the software functions and including simulations of respirometry experiments.
If you wish to set up a respirometry system, you will require the further purchase of accessories, listed below:
– 1302 electrodes (SI130) (1 to 6 optional)
– Electrode service kit (SI020)
– Respirometer cells 1 RC650 (12 cells) or 1×6 of RC300, RC350, RC400
View Sample screens (pdf file)
To request a demo disc please email us at: info@strathkelvin.com
Download demo (.exe PC file)