For small volume measurements of oxygen uptake rate by microbial suspensions, cell suspensions, mitochondria or enzyme preparations.
The electrode holder (supplied with the cell) slides into one of two glass tubes fused into the glass water jacket. The second tube is used to park the electrode holder when changing solutions. The volume can be varied by rotating the electrode holder through the threaded collar which sits on the top surface of the water jacket. A fine slot in the side of the holder allows air to escape when the holder is inserted into the cell, and may also be used to introduce other solutions during the course of a respiration run. A luer-fitting 22 gauge needle is provided for this.
A PTFE covered magnetic spinbar is provided and the cell should be located on a magnetic stirrer unit (not provided). For fast reactions, FEP membranes (used with electrode jacket, Part No SI 035) should be used.