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Strathkelvin Instruments
+44(0)1698 730400


Image of ASP-Con



In-situ respirometer and multi-parameter instrument for activated sludge plants.

Direct Measurements

  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • OUR and SOUR
  • MLSS
  • pH
  • Ammonium
  • Potassium or Nitrate
  • Temperature
  • Critical Oxygen Concentrations
  • RAS
  • Predicted TSS


  • Toxicity Management
  • Nitrification Management
  • Critical Oxygen Point Analysis
  • Aeration Efficiency
  • Nutrient Control
  • Sludge Health
  • Short-Term BOD
  • Plant Capacity
  • Respiration Tests


The ASP-Con, short for Activated Sludge Plant Controller, is a multi-parameter instrument by Strathkelvin Instruments that provides automated measurements of the activated sludge process in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), including dissolved oxygen levels, ammonium concentration, pH and many more.

Additionally, by measuring the oxygen uptake rate (OUR) of bacteria in real-time, the ASP-Con can provide indicators of bacterial activity through respirometry.

By significantly improving the visibility of operating conditions, the ASP-Con allows operators to improve their control of WWTPs on a dynamic basis, improving compliance and reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.


  • Online Real-Time Toxicity Monitoring
  • Online Energy and Treatment Optimisation
  • Low Maintenance
  • Self-Cleaning, Self-Calibrating
  • Rag Handling

ASP-Con Range

Our ASP-Con Range is an array of products based on our award-winning ASP-Con. By adapting the ASP-Con, we are able to offer a variety of products that better suit your needs.