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World’s Leading supplier in Precision Dissolved Oxygen Measurement and Respirometry

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Our expertise is in the field of Activated Sludge Bacteria
which are used to treat wastewaters.

Our instrumentation can quickly and directly measure Activated Sludge bacterial performance saving our clients time and money by determining the toxic effects of influents on your activated sludge and also the effects of optimising feeding and aeration programmes. The company has been making high quality instrumentation in the field of Respirometry since 1981 and has established an enviable reputation for quality, robustness and ease of use.

Strathtox is a fully integrated Respirometer where all testing is quick and simple, and tests are routinely completed within 10 minutes. Easy-to-use software provides automated results and graphs allowing a wide range of personnel to make effective use of Strathtox.

Bio-scope is a portable instrument that measures the respiration rate of bacteria in the plant under the prevailing load and environmental conditions. This provides operators with a real insight into the operation of their wastewater treatment plant.

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Strathkelvin Instruments Limited,

Rowantree Avenue,

North Lanarkshire, ML1 5RX,


01698 730400
Fax: 01698 730401
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